Boundary Disputes
Boundary disputes occur when two people most commonly adjoining owners believe that they both have the right to a piece of land. These disputes usually involve issues both of legal interpretation and of surveying judgement therefore in order to investigate these matters properly both legal and surveying advice is required.
If you are unaware of the exact boundary between two properties or who owns the hedge, wall, tree or fence between 2 properties then you can get an idea by looking at its title plan.
If there is any doubt, neighbouring owners can agree the precise location of their boundaries. The precise boundary can also be determined by HM Land Registry either:
- On application by the registered proprietor, or
- In the case of a transfer or lease of part, by the registrar in respect of any common boundary
At Aaryan Solicitors, we understand that boundary disputes can be complex, very costly and quite chaotic at times therefore using the services of a solicitor who specialises in boundary dispute matters are highly recommended. We pride ourselves on being approachable and proactive in understanding and meeting our clients’ needs to mitigate both the stress and the cost for our clients.